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Marie Kondo method of tidying

Marie Kondo became famous and a global phenomenon through her Netflix series titled "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo"​ helping people to organise their belongings, in turn transforming their lives. Her tidying up philosophy, on closer inspection however, isn't just for closets and drawers-:) it's a transformative approach that can also be applied to streamlining business operations. By focusing on what truly 'sparks joy,' businesses can optimise processes, increase efficiency, and enhance overall satisfaction for both employees and customers.

Understanding the Marie Kondo Philosophy

At its core, Marie Kondo's method is about valuing utility and emotional satisfaction. In the context of business operations, this means scrutinising every process, tool, and strategy to ensure they contribute effectively to the organisation's goals and enhance overall workplace satisfaction. If you're wondering how you might apply this simple philosophy in your operation, then read below for tips.

1. Assess Business Processes

  • Identify Key Operations: Like sorting through personal belongings, pinpoint the key operations and services your business offers. Evaluate their necessity and how much value they add to your customers and your business goals.

  • Eliminate Redundancies: Remove any steps in your operation that are redundant or unnecessary. This will streamline service delivery and enhance customer satisfaction.

2. Optimise Tools and Resources

  • Evaluate Tools: Regularly review the tools and technology your business uses. Keep those that improve efficiency and consider phasing out those that are no longer effective.

  • Allocate Resources Smartly: Distribute resources in a way that maximises their value, similar to how one would thoughtfully organise a space.

3. Foster a Positive Team Environment

  • Employee Joy and Engagement: Implement the 'spark joy' concept in assigning roles and tasks. Encourage team members to take on responsibilities that align with their strengths and passions.

  • Ongoing Development: Just as you would maintain items that bring you joy, invest in your team's continuous learning and growth to sustain high-quality service.

4. Simplify Communication

  • Efficient Communication: Embrace the Kondo ethos of simplicity in your communication channels. Ensure that the information flow is straightforward, easily accessible, and not overly complex.

  • Effective Feedback: Set up robust feedback mechanisms to constantly refine and improve your business operations, mirroring the continuous reassessment of what brings joy in the Kondo method.

5. Embrace Sustainability

  • Long-term Perspective: Adopt sustainable practices in your operations, reflecting the Kondo method's focus on lasting organisation and tidiness.

  • Adaptability and Resilience: Be prepared to adapt and revisit your strategies regularly, ensuring that your operations remain efficient and joy-inducing.

Applying Marie Kondo's tidying principles to business operations can be more than an organisational tactic; it's about instilling a culture of efficiency, joy, and value in every aspect of your business. By concentrating on what is essential and perpetually striving for improvement, you can transform your business operations into a streamlined, efficient, and satisfying experience for everyone involved!

If you're interested in finding out how to streamline your business operations and spark 'joy'-:) in your customers and staff, then email us at or book a free consultation call with us today.

Envisago Consulting - Lean into Excellence.

Operations. Technology. Change Management

Brand Strategy Infographic

In the realm of brand management, the alignment of brand promises with customer experience (CX) is not just beneficial, it's imperative. This alignment can be the cornerstone of a brand's success. Here’s a strategic guide on how to effectively link brand promises to an exceptional customer experience.

1. Clearly Define Your Brand Promise: The first step is crystalising what your brand stands for. What promises are you making to your customers? This could be about quality, service, innovation, or an emotional connection. Your brand promise should be compelling, distinctive, and, most importantly, deliverable.

2. Embed the Brand Promise in Every Touchpoint: Consistency is key. Every interaction, whether it's on your website, in your store, or through your customer service, should reinforce your brand promise. This requires a deep understanding of your customer journey and identifying the touchpoints where your brand promise can be integrated effectively.

3. Train and Empower Your Team: Your staff and employees are the custodians of your brand promise. Train them to understand not just what the brand stands for, but also the role they play in delivering on that promise. Empower them to make decisions that align with the brand promise, enhancing the customer experience.

4. Leverage Customer Feedback: Regularly gather and analyse customer feedback to understand how well your brand promise resonates with them. This insight is invaluable in refining your approach and ensuring that your brand promise remains relevant and meaningful to your customers.

5. Create Emotional Connections: An exceptional customer experience often goes beyond just meeting needs; it's about creating an emotional bond. Align your brand promise with experiences that evoke emotions – be it trust, happiness, security, or excitement. This emotional connection can turn satisfied customers into loyal advocates.

6. Innovate Continuously: The market is always evolving, and so are customer expectations. Regularly revisit and reassess your brand promise and the experiences you are delivering. Innovation in your products, services, and customer interactions can keep you ahead and relevant.

7. Measure and Iterate: Finally, establish metrics to measure the effectiveness of your CX in delivering your brand promise. This could be customer satisfaction scores, net promoter scores, or customer retention rates. Use these metrics to continuously improve and iterate your strategies.

By thoughtfully linking your brand promises to your customer experience strategy, you can create a powerful and emotive connection that resonates deeply with your customers. This alignment not only drives customer satisfaction and loyalty but also sets the foundation for long-term business success.

Envisago specialises in streamlining operations and optimising the Customer Experience for improved business outcomes. To find out more, email us at or book a free consultation call with us today.

Envisago Consulting - Be Future Ready

Operations. Technology. Change Management.

Girl with Phone rating Customer Experience

In an era where customer experience (CX) stands as a paramount differentiator for businesses across industries, the decision to insource or outsource CX operations is more than a mere cost consideration—it’s a strategic choice that can shape the very fabric of a brand’s relationship with its customers. The way a company manages customer interactions, leverages data, and delivers service can significantly influence customer loyalty and, consequently, the bottom line. We explore the crucial considerations for making a business case for insourcing or outsourcing your CX operations.

1. Brand Alignment and Customer Understanding:

When it comes to CX, understanding and maintaining your brand's voice and values is essential. Consider the following questions:

  • How critical is brand-specific training for your CX team?

  • Can an outsourced partner accurately represent and perpetuate your brand values?

  • Will insourcing enhance your ability to offer a consistent customer experience that aligns with your brand promise?

Insourcing might be the right choice if brand idiosyncrasies are complex and nuanced. However, a specialised CX outsourcing partner might bring the expertise needed to reflect your brand values while managing a broader customer base.

2. Cost Implications:

Assessing costs for CX operations requires a nuanced approach:

  • Consider not just the immediate cost savings, but also the long-term investment value in customer satisfaction and retention.

  • Outsourcing might offer a lower cost per interaction but consider the potential impact on customer lifetime value if the quality of CX diminishes.

  • Evaluate whether the investment in technology and talent for insourcing will translate into superior customer service that justifies the cost.

Remember, the cheapest option is not always the one that brings the most value to your company in terms of customer satisfaction and retention.

3. Control Over Customer Data and Insights:

Customer data is a goldmine of insights and insourcing vs. outsourcing has implications on this front:

  • In-house CX operations can provide unfettered access to customer data, allowing for real-time feedback and agile improvements to service.

  • With outsourcing, you need to establish clear data governance protocols to ensure that customer insights are captured, shared, and actioned upon effectively.

  • Consider data privacy regulations and the ease with which you can remain compliant under each model.

Insourcing can offer better control over data, which is critical for personalising customer experiences and making informed business decisions.

4. Scalability and Flexibility:

A scalable CX model can adapt to fluctuating demand:

  • Analyse whether your business has seasonal peaks or unexpected surges in customer service inquiries.

  • Determine whether an insourced team can scale quickly without sacrificing quality or if an outsourced partner with a flexible workforce might be better equipped to handle volume spikes.

Outsourcing might be the more flexible option, providing the agility needed to manage customer experience operations efficiently in response to changing business needs.

5. Expertise and Specialisation:

Evaluate the level of expertise required for your CX operations:

  • Insourcing allows for tailored training and development of CX representatives to meet specific company needs.

  • Outsourcing partners often bring a wealth of CX expertise, advanced analytics and technology enhancements to the table, potentially elevating the quality of customer interactions.

If your CX operations require specialised knowledge or tools that an outsourced provider offers, this might tip the scales in favor of outsourcing.

6. Integration with Overall Business Strategy:

CX should not be siloed but rather integrated with your overall business strategy:

  • Assess how CX operations impact and are impacted by other business functions like sales, marketing, and product development.

  • Consider if insourcing will facilitate better integration of CX with these functions, ensuring a cohesive approach to customer satisfaction.

A holistic approach might favor insourcing if it ensures that CX is embedded within the wider strategic framework of the company.

Whether you choose to insource or outsource your CX operations, the decision should be driven by more than immediate financial implications—it should be strategically aligned with your long-term vision for customer relationship management. A well-thought-out choice will not only reflect your business’s commitment to providing stellar customer service but will also strategically position your brand in a competitive marketplace. Keep in mind that this decision is not static; regular evaluation in the face of evolving customer expectations and market dynamics is crucial for ongoing success in your CX endeavors.

Envisago provides turn-key solutions for CX Operations Business Case Development, CX Operations Vendor Procurement and Transition Management. For further information email us at or book a free consultation call with us today.

Envisago Consulting - Be Future Ready

Operations. Technology. Change Management.

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